Saturday, April 17, 2010

House Sitting

Ashleys house sitting her cousins place this weekend so we're staying the night. She took me out to Pasquals, which was very nice of her, and delicious. We got burritos and margaritas and I didn't get carded! Ashley knew the waitress but I still like to think it's due to my skills. I took a nap around ten and now I'm wide awake. I'd wake Ash up but shes gotta work tomorrow. We watched Double Jeopardy with Ashley Judd. It was so good! Did not see any of that coming. We also tried to play with the cats and guinea pigs but that didn't really work out. I finally devised a plan to block the door and get a pig. He wasn't too happy about that and eventually peed on me. The Becca and I watched Go For Zucker this morning. It was also surprisingly good. Except Becca's on a role with gay German flicks haha. I still have that pizza btw, but not for long

I also turned in the Gumby's and Ian's applications today

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