Thursday, May 20, 2010

Just A Few Things

-I finished The Time Traveler's Wife, super good. Now I'm reading Survivor by Chuck Palahniuk

-I donated on Tuesday and something went wrong which caused my arm to hurt. It felt like pressure but painful; the weird thing is it wasn't anywhere near the needle but by where they velcro the cuff. They tried to re-stick me several times but it kept hurting. So I didn't get some blood back or my saline solution. I felt woosy before I felt but felt better when I drank some water. Now, a whole bunch of bruises have developed around the injection site and up where I felt painful pressure. I'm a little bit scared.

-Alex said we can hang out; and also denies ever saying we couldn't hang out. I could have been wrong before but he defiantly implied that before. He said I should call him and what not. We were supposed to hang out today but he pussed out with a bullshit reason. Whatever; kids fucked up.

-Tuesday Becca and I went to see The Lion King and it was amazing! The costumes and singing were great. I just wish they made Zazu blue instead of white. We went to Takara on State st and it was really good. Only problem was I got sick in the bathroom. Luckily it didn't get on my dress or in my hair but it was still embarrassing. We also saw Brooke and Tina which was super weird. I saw Brooke walk by at intermission, and I didn't recognize her at first but then I saw Tina. We talked in the Hallway. Tina was nice but Brooke and Becca didn't say much. I invited them to come see my place but they said they had to get back. Brooke texted me apologizing but I didn't have my phone so I didn't get it til I got home. I doubt she's ever going to come see me. I owe Becca $65

-I also hung out with Seppa Tuesday night. We talked and drank. He was apparently 'dating' Aleah, in a way where he was her boyfriend but she wasn't his girlfriend and they acted accordingly, but he wasn't happy with her because she was being a bitch. I told him about the celibacy thing and seemed cool with but tried to seduce me... but it didn't work :) We cuddled but that doesn't count. In the morning he started talking about how he could date me and it really surprised me. I told him I wasn't sure if I would even date him and he started to argue it with me; clear minded and not drunk. I explained to him that he couldn't be with anyone else and it would have to be a real relationship, and said he was fine with it. He broke up with Aleah and I said it was WAY too soon and we'd have to talk about it later. Not gonna lie I'm super surprised.

-Ian's is going great, I really like it. I need to work on being more than ontime and some other things; otherwise I think I'm ok. My first staff meeting was last night and some other people got their Ian's t shirts so that means I'll hopefully get mine the next one next month. I made nutella cups cakes ad everyone seemed to like them.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Choke on This

Becca and I watched the movie 'Choke' today and it was really good. It was explicit but still had a great plot. The movie made me think about how I don't want my life to turn out like that but maybe I'm just living it safe. Maybe it's time to get this job and break out of the box, but secretly. Hopefully it will all turn out as planned.

There was also a scene that reminded me of Seppa. The main character doesn't remind me of him at all, except for this scene. It's the one where the girl is passed out after giving this guy a hand job as favor and the guy that likes her walks in and starts freaking out. So the main tells him it's not a big deal and that she's a good girl and basically that he should leave and pretend that this didn't happen. The guy believes it and you later see the two holding hands and assume that they're a happy couple. I just see Seppa pulling some 'Seppa Church' like that.

I look like a lesbian. I mean, I try to and I think I look nice but it still somehow comes out (haha). This is not something I realized today, but something I was thinking about. Will I still find my boy? I'm sure I will, I just hope he doesn't think I bat for the other team.

We also read her old diaries which were super cute

Friday, May 7, 2010


Ian's is great! Today was my first day on the job and it was quite the time. Me, stephen and Kyle were there for comp training from 2pm-5pm and then I worked 5pm-4am.

First of all I had this 'great' idea to stay up super late the night before so it would be easier to stay up the next night; then I could sleep in the next day. What actually happened was I got super drunk, stayed up two and woke up drunk in the morning with one of the worst hangovers of my life, bad cramps, and I could only sleep til 12 anyway. So Sophie left, I tossed and worried for a bit, threw up, went back to sleep for a bit, made a breakfast sandwich (of two eggs, two slices of cheese, two pieces of bacon-they say it's the cure for hangovers- and some mayo), then popped a vitamin, calcium pill, two aspirin, two Midol, and two fiber gummies. Then got to the business of getting ready. My stomach felt like shit while I showered but I was fine (and on time) when I got to Ian's. I also didn't look half bad ;] ... Maybe not as fabulous as I envisioned for my day but what can you do

Training went ok, a little boring but I did my best to stay focused. Then my job started and it was my job to man the phones for the night.

Paul-very helpful
Nick-very cute ('I'll see you in a bit!')
Marty-very professional but fun and understanding
Jack-very strict, a bit of a tight ass, nice and it was my first day
Ross-a bit too helpful, made be look lazy
Hailey-very nice
Cook-very nice
Up-front guy-a bit dismissive...
Grandpa-nice, we cleaned the hall together
Ben-very nice, invited me to a party at his place on Friday

Becca came to see me and it was sweet. Next time I'll get you a discount but Marty gave me a look that scared the crap out of me so I didn't want to risk it. Also, too bad you couldn't see the cutie :/

Luckily it was a slow Friday

I also might be the youngest person who works there

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Alex Goes Ca-poot

Uhhh so I guess this the end if me and Alex hanging out because his girlfriend doesn't approve. I want to say dudes on a short leach but I suppose they're in a different place than I've ever been, considering they've been together a while and their age. It still sucks, but not too much.

I feel like I almost predicted it with my dream... spooky