Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Plasma and bad brownies

Today I had a English presentation and it kicked ass. I wore my glasses and it made me feel smart. It was me, Rachael and Tara. My job was to analyze the vocabulary and voice and I think I did a nice job. Ms. Redfield and a few other people complimented me and it felt nice.

Then I donated and Alex talked to me a bunch.He said he liked my glasses. He's such a cutie. We talked about his band and gypsy jazz and he brought me over a crossword he had been working on. It was taped to a piece of cardboard, he's so sweet. He helped me with my machine and I asked him if he was authorized to do that because he didn't have a lab coat, he thought that was funny. Before I left he invited me to his next show, but its not til March. It's at The High Noon Saloon and I really hope it's open to all ages because that would be embarrassing if it was 21+. Damn I wish he'd ask me out. I don't even care about the beard.

I made brownies for my dinner with Quinn and they turned out terrible! The were too stiff and stuck to the pan, it was embarrassing. Quinn made a pasta dish that was super good. We also watched 'Young Frankenstein' which is super funny but I fell asleep a bunch of times. Yet another embarrassing feet, fuck my life. Overall the date was kind of boring but I guess you can't win 'em all. He didn't make a move, even though he walked me home. I find this super weird. I hope he's not waiting for me to because he's going to be waiting a long time...

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